As an agent, Pringle is constantly networking, negotiating, lead generating and promoting himself through print and digital marketing campaigns.
“I realized early in my career, ‘it’s not always what you know, but who you know.’ Fortunately, Terri Hildebrand, assistant professor of biology at SUU, encouraged me to reach out and network with more people. This helps me today to reach more clients and grow my business,” said Pringle.
He continually seeks opportunities to further educate himself in real estate, to become a better agent and offer better quality services to his clients. He has plans to expand his business into Utah in 2016.
Pringle says graduating was a real accomplishment. He didn’t walk at graduation in ’08, because he was training for a career in professional football at the time, but says he left SUU with confidence.
“At one point, my younger brother Ryan was a [football] teammate of mine, for the first time, while we attended SUU together,” said Pringle.
He and his fiancée, Hannah have two boys together, Tico III and Ty, and two dogs Athena and Zeus. They enjoy traveling as a family and are involved in their boy’s youth sports.
Pringle enjoys reading and learning of new ways to help his clients and better himself. He likes to cook and he’s good at it, too! Working out and maintaining a healthy lifestyle are also important to him.
Originally posted on in January 2016