Thursday, January 21, 2016

Alumni Spotlight: Tico Pringle

Vicentico ‘Tico’ Fernando Pringle Jr. (’08, interdisciplinary studies) is a realtor and founder of the Pringle Group, with Keller Williams in Las Vegas, NV.

As an agent, Pringle is constantly networking, negotiating, lead generating and promoting himself through print and digital marketing campaigns.

“I realized early in my career, ‘it’s not always what you know, but who you know.’ Fortunately, Terri Hildebrand, assistant professor of biology at SUU, encouraged me to reach out and network with more people. This helps me today to reach more clients and grow my business,” said Pringle.

He continually seeks opportunities to further educate himself in real estate, to become a better agent and offer better quality services to his clients. He has plans to expand his business into Utah in 2016.
Pringle says graduating was a real accomplishment. He didn’t walk at graduation in ’08, because he was training for a career in professional football at the time, but says he left SUU with confidence.

“At one point, my younger brother Ryan was a [football] teammate of mine, for the first time, while we attended SUU together,” said Pringle.

He and his fiancée, Hannah have two boys together, Tico III and Ty, and two dogs Athena and Zeus. They enjoy traveling as a family and are involved in their boy’s youth sports.

Pringle enjoys reading and learning of new ways to help his clients and better himself. He likes to cook and he’s good at it, too! Working out and maintaining a healthy lifestyle are also important to him.

Originally posted on in January 2016

Wednesday, January 6, 2016

President's Christmas Gala and Mannheim Steamroller Concert

Merry Christmas!

On a crisp winter night the SUU Campus was all in a buzz of celebration. Wednesday, December 2, 2015 will be remembered by many as being a night of honoring SUU, the Cedar City community and those individuals who have gone above expectations in paying it forward to this institution by providing scholarships, research and by supporting through generous donations for continued advances in the Colleges.

President Wyatt hosted over 500 guests to a glorious banquet and program.

Awards were given to Walter & Alice Gibson for their contributions to the Walter Maxwell Gibson College of Science and Engineering;

and to Ken & Helen Englehart who have been generous in their support of SUU students who will become teachers.

Members of the Old Main Society were honored and new inductions were made. The member listing was printed in the program: Members of the Old Main Society "Benefactor" is the level for gifts between $100,000 and $499,000.  "Gold Medallion" gifts qualify at $500,000 to $999,999, and the "Centurium Circle" is denoted by gifts greater than $1,000.000. "Legacy" is the level for planned gifts to the University in estates, bequests, wills, trusts and annuities.

Afterwards, guests were invited to attend the already packed Centrum Arena for Mannheim Steamroller's Christmas Concert by Chip Davis.

The house was packed with over 4000 in attendance and the music brought feelings of camaraderie and Christmas to SUU alumni, friends, students alike.

What a great way to celebrate as we ring in the new year together,
with expectations for a brilliant future for all!

Thor's Thunder Classic

Monday, October 26, 2015, started out with the alumni staff, students and volunteers applying sunscreen and filling their backpacks with water bottles at 5:00 am, as the caravan of four loaded to the brim vehicles, makes their way to the beautiful Entrada Golf Course in St George. Arriving before the first rays of the sun hit the red hills of Snow Canyon is the perfect way to start this exciting day.

As the golfers arrive, there is a friendly atmosphere as they greet one another, which is soon replaced by the competitive spirit. Each team participates to support better futures, through raising scholarship funds for SUU students. We recognize their efforts and appreciate their generosity in making this tournament successful.

Wells Fargo, Terri Hartley, was the corporate sponsor.

Tri-State Motors, Dave Morris, sponsored the Hole-In-One (#14) with a 2016 GMC shiny red pickup.

Todd Stenosky hit a hole-in-one (#12) making this his lucky day!

Wrapping up the tournament, all who participated had a feeling of victory for SUU and for the future of the many students who will be awarded scholarships to help further their education. Golfer's and staff made new friends, rekindled connections with each other, and finished out the day with a renewed enthusiasm to spread the good word about SUU.

 Go T-Birds!

Happy New Year Fellow Thunderbirds!

With 2016 upon us, it's full steam ahead for the Southern Utah University Alumni Association! Our National Alumni Board has a strategic plan full of goals and objectives that are slated to make 2016 a most amazing year.  

As we celebrate some of the truly remarkable alumni achievements of 2015, from the epic docudrama "Back Up The Mountain" which starred one of our celebrated alumni Jasen Wade, to one of the most recent achievements of alumnus Tommy Burr and his appointment as the new president of the National Press Club, we realize our alumni and friends base, located across the globe, accomplish extraordinary things and make a marked difference in every facet of life. We are experts in our fields. We are professionals. We are brothers and sisters. We are husbands and wives. We are parents. We are grandparents. We are friends. We are Thunderbirds!

Through our 2015 association survey, we learned a lot about you and what you want from your alumni association. For example, we know you want to come back to campus and we are committed to providing events and activities that attract you and yours. Even if you live away from campus, our new micro-network events will provide the opportunity to re-connect in awesome new ways.

We know you would choose SUU again, if you had the chance. We learned that you are satisfied and even highly satisfied with your SUU college experience and that most of you would encourage family and friends to attend SUU. That's why on our website you can order a Recruit A T-Bird swag bag full of SUU goods to share with prospective students.

Let's make 2016 a remarkable year together! Here are a few simple ways you can reconnect to our T-Bird nation:
  • Update Your Information -When your home address, e-mail, or phone changes, let us know so we can keep you up-to-date on all things SUU. Update at:
  • Connect By Social Media - Share your memories and milestones with us on Facebook and Instagram
  • Wear Your T-Bird Pride - On your sleeve, front, back, head, hands, everywhere. The SUU Bookstore carries everything you need to be outfitted like a T-Bird. Show your Alumni Card and receive a 20% off discount on all SUU clothing and memorabilia, and stock up! Check out your options at:
  • Show Your T-Bird Pride On Your Car - Order an SUU license plate for your car or as a collector's item because all of the proceeds go towards scholarships!  Purchase your plate at any Utah DMV. And if you live outside of Utah, consider a license plate frame from the SUU Bookstore.
  • Share Your Memories & Your Photos -Share your memorable SUU experiences and stories and your photos with us! Link to our site and share at: or  email your memory and a photo.
  • Use Your T-Bird Alumni Card - Our SUU alumni card gives you access to hundreds of discounts from travel and insurance to events and activities. Find out what pool of growing alumni benefits are available to you at: If you need a card, contact us and we'll send one to you! 
I am proud to be part of the T-Bird Nation and proud to serve as your president.  Here's to 2016 and to you!

Sandra Lord Thomas
Southern Utah University Alumni Association President
Class of '93