Wednesday, June 8, 2011

SUU in China -- Making an Impression

China is absolutely amazing. I am living in this hotel that is INCREDIBLE! I am treated like royalty here. Yesterday we met and mingled with the 80-member company of Chinese dancers . . . all I can say is WOW! We all have our work cut out for us to make an impression.

Speaking of impressions. I've made some good ones already! Xun Sun (SUU Orchestra Director) asked Jennie Smith and me to prepare musical numbers to perform and share with the Chinese people. So, yesterday while mingling, Sun asked if I could sing them a song and I obliged. While standing amongst the crowd of dancers, Sun got their attention and was going to translate my introduction before I sang. I reduced the nuptials to one term: Lady Gaga. They all cheered! I sat down at the studio's piano and began to play and sing my cover of Born This Way and totally ROCKED IT! They were completely crowded around the piano as I sat there with my wonderful 5,4,1 progression and sweet pop rhythm (thanks Professor Sara Guttenberg).

China is the most beautiful and wonderful country. Yesterday Karyn Allen and I set out to explore Wuhan and ended up finding a 1600-year old Buddhist monastery. It was one of the most incredible experiences. There were so many different temples all housing shrines - some were more than 30 feet tall. The entire monastery was built into the side of a hill and at the top of the hill was a giant tower that overlooks the city of Wuhan. It was an amazing adventure.

Payden Adams is a senior Dance and Theatre Arts major from Cedar Fort, Utah, and is one of 14 SUU dance students in China rehearsing for The Dream of Helen.

The Dream of Helen is a dance drama featuring nearly 100 dancers and an orchestra of 90 which includes six SUU music students. Faculty from the College of Performing and Visual Arts have collaborated in the creation of the production, which is inspired by the life and achievements of Utah native Helen Foster Snow who was an instrumental bridge builder of U.S./China relations. Helen's mother, Hannah Davis Foster, taught at the Branch Normal School (now SUU).

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