Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Science Center Dedication

A large crowd of students, alumni, donors and community members attended the dedication of SUU's new Center for Health & Molecular Sciences on Friday, September 16. The dedication was part of the Future is Rising and Homecoming celebrations.

Dedicatory remarks were made by Robert Eves ('84), dean of the College of Science and Engineering; Matthias Muller, Division of Facilities and Construction Management from the state of Utah; Evan Vickers, Utah State Representative from District 72; President Michael T. Benson; and Kezia Brown ('10), an Outstanding Chemistry student from Cedar City. The dedicatory prayer was offer by David Nakken ('85).

One highlight of the dedication was a"Flash Mob" and creation of a human DNA chain by 67 Science majors. President Benson and Dean Eves even joined in at the end! SUU Professors Paul Ocampo and Chien-Ying Wang did the choreography and directed rehearsals as they helped the left-brained Science majors find their inner creativity. The "Flash Mob" was accompanied by Dr. Lynn Vartan's SUU Drum Line.

The new 48,422-square-foot structure includes expanded lab, office and classroom space vital to the hands-on, collaborative education our science students deserve. Additional building tidbits: 104,345 bricks, 1,630 yards of concrete, 58.7 miles of copper wire and 37.8 miles of data wire.

Thank you to all who have seen this project through to fruition.


  1. Does anyone know how to find a video of the Human DNA dance? I heard it was somewhere on the website but I can't find it.

  2. Hello Penelope. The DNA dance was recorded and will be posted on youtube - just hasn't made it yet. I'll keep you posted when it does.
