Thursday, May 23, 2013

Commencement 2013

SUU Commencement was a fitting culmination to a remarkable academic year as we welcomed 1,756 graduates of the Class of 2013 into the ranks of the SUU Alumni Association. 

Honorary doctorate degrees were presented to golf legend Billy Casper, and author, speaker and religious leader Rabbi Shmuley Boteach. This year's student commencement speech was given by Blake Clark, an elementary education major from Cedar City, and the keynote address was given by Rabbi Shmuley Boteach. 

Enjoy a few highlights from the celebration:

Ben Davidson ('72), distinguished and senior faculty member,
served as Marshal of the Commencement Processional and
carried the University Mace. Ben has worked at SUU in the
Beverley Taylor Sorenson College of Education and Human
Development since 1979. He retires this June. 

ROTC Graduates' Oath of Office was administered by 
Lieutenant Colonel (retired) Carl R. Templin, 
Dean of SUU's School of Business.

The SUU Concert Choir, under the direction of Dr. Kevin Baker,
performed "The Lord Bless You and Keep You" by John Rutter.

Blake Clark told graduates, "When we feel like all odds are 
against us, may we remember where we received our education. 
Southern Utah University made me a better person, better teacher,
 a better husband, and a better friend. Because of this institution the odds 
are in my favor and they are in your favor. When national polls are 
showing statistics that are not in my favor of getting a job, I think 
to myself, 'The people that aren't getting jobs don't know what 
I know, they haven't been where I have been, and they didn't 
graduate from where I did. They didn't receive their education, 
and experiences, from Southern Utah University'"

Doctor of Public Service, Honoris Causa - Billy Casper
Left to right: Athletic Director Ken Beazer, President
Michael T. Benson, William Earl "Billy Casper, Jr.,
SUU Trustee Chair Gayle Pollock ('88).

Doctor of Humane Letters, Honoris Causa - Rabbi Shumley Boteach.

Rabbi Shmuley Boteach, an international leading relationship and
values expert whose speech has been called one of the best many 

have heard in years, said, "There is room for competition in
making money; for goodness sake there's room for competition
in sports, there's room for competition in life, my friends, but
only in what you do and never in who and what you are. You
must never allow that competitiveness to breach your soul."

On the count of three, SUU Alumni President
Mark Russell ('74) led the graduates in the
moving their tassels and welcomed them
into the SUU Alumni Association!

Commencement 2013 was Michael T. Benson's last as president
of Southern Utah University. Several tributes were made,
including this emotional standing ovation.

Centrum Arena.

SUU Wind Symphony, under the director of Dr. Adam Lambert.

Class of 2013

Class of 2013

Class of 2013

Class of 2013

Class of 2013 - "Peace Out!"

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