Friday, July 26, 2013

Building Naming Ceremony - L.S. & Aline W. Skaggs Center for Health & Molecular Sciences

L.S. & Aline W. Skaggs Center for Health & Molecular Science
Building Naming Ceremony, June 27, 2013
The Skaggs family and The ALSAM Foundation were major contributors to what is now and will forever be known as the L.S. & Aline W. Skaggs Center for Health & Molecular Sciences at Southern Utah University. The building dramatically enhances the educational offerings of the Walter Maxwell Gibson College of Science & Engineering at SUU and provides profoundly grander vistas to students of today and of the future.

New, state-of-the art laboratory space crucial to SUU's highly prized undergraduate research and experiential learning model ensures that students gain the essential hands-on experience to prepare them for careers in the sciences or for post-baccalaureate education.

The Skaggs Center provides a greatly improved learning space for all students and faculty. Nursing students, for example, now may practice what they will actually be doing in a hospital. One classroom includes a bed and a bathroom so students can practice transferring patients.

The ALSAM Foundation also endowed a much-needed undergraduate research program to better train students in research principles and practices, preparing them to compete for openings in graduate programs. Today, thanks to The ALSAM Foundation, SUU students are engaged in exciting research projects that also invigorate attached faculty.

Also endowed by the Foundation is a scholarship fund for pre-pharmacy students, enabling the University to recruit and retain greater numbers of students working toward a degree in pharmacology. These include students who do not otherwise have the resources to devote to this course of study or perhaps are unable to attend the University at all.

Robert L. Eves ('84), Dean of the Walter Maxwell
Gibson College of Science and Engineering.

Kezia Brown ('13) will be attending the
University of Utah's School of Pharmacy this fall.

Dr. Nathan S. Werner ('05) is an assistant
 professor of Chemistry at SUU.

Darin Hunsinger and Marshall Miller perform
"Tango Suite No. 1" by Astor Piazolla.

Susie S. Balukoff, daughter of L.S. and
Aline W. Skaggs and ALSAM Foundation
Board Member.

SUU President Michael T. Benson.

This beautiful portrait of L.S. and Aline Skaggs graces the first floor of
the Skaggs Center. Pictured left to right: Ben Sowards (painter),
A. J. Balukoff, Susie S. Balukoff, Claudia S. Luttrell,
Lindsay Cutshall, Ronny L. Cutshall. 

L.S. & Aline W. Skaggs Center for Health & Molecular Science


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