Thursday, December 4, 2014

Quinn Mortensen - Why I'm Grateful for SUU

From the onset of my relationship with SUU, gratitude for the University fast became a life-time experience. I have had the great pleasure to be involved with SUU as an undergraduate and graduate student, as well as a University professional, adjunct professor and now as an alumnus. As a student, I am grateful to the professors, students, staff and advisers...especially those in the communications department. Now in my life, during professional meetings and personal outings, whenever discussions turn to collegiate background I am often asked "What attracted you to SUU?" I typically begin listing several factors and benefits; most of which sprouted from the deep relationships that were forged during my time as a student and professional at SUU.  
I also worked for the University in a professional setting for five years after graduation. I am grateful for the training, friendships, mentoring and business experience I gained during that time. I didn't understand the depth and importance of those years until after I had moved on to different opportunities; some of which stemmed from both my educational and professional time at SUU. Now I am even more grateful to the many departments, teams and individuals with whom I was able to work in such an enjoyable and informative environment.

I attribute some of the best decisions and opportunities in my professional and personal lives to the University and Cedar City. I am proud to wear my SUU hats here in Texas, hang my SUU diplomas in my office and to say thank you to the University that helped me to become who I am today. Simply stated . . . I am grateful for SUU.

Quinn Mortensen is a 2004 and 2008 graduate of SUU where he earned his bachelor's degree in communication and a master's degree in professional communication. He and his family live in Houston, TX, where he works for a global software/safety company.

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